Offering Our Islamic Financing Services to These Businesses
Commercial Finance Examples
To help you better understand what type of financing is the best fit for a specific use, the following examples may help you understand which Islamic finance methodology fits best. As you can see, anything long term with a tangible asset is best suited by the Ijara method.

Medical Office
Medical Supplies/Medicines => Murabaha
Value of Practice => Musharaka
Property/X-Ray/Lab Equipment => Ijara
- Practice financing with as little as 0% down
- Minimum 5% down, up to 26-year financing available
- Construction possible with no payments up to 1 year
- Max. 7 years without real estate
- Must occupy at least 51% of space
- Refinance possible, rates as low as 2.75%

Grocery Store
Merchandise/Inventory => Murabaha
Business Itself => Musharaka
Property/Registers/Shelving/Coolers => Ijara
- Minimum 10% down, up to 26-year financing available
- Must occupy a minimum of 51% of space
- Construction possible with no payments up to 1 year
- Max. 10 years without real estate
- Refinance possible