
Some Interesting Statistics for Seniors Looking for a Halal Mortgage Canada

Here at IjaraCDC, we want to help you find a good Halal MORTGAGE Canada. We supply valuable information as well as some expert guidance for everybody including our valued senior population. Here’s a few interesting statistics from the latest research reports for 2017.

Ontario’s vacancy rate has dipped to the lowest level since 2001—that means there are more seniors looking for housing than the supply can keep up with. In some markets like Toronto, there are no new prospects for senior housing.

Number of Seniors Growing

Statistics Canada have also released numbers that state the country’s numbers of seniors is growing and now even outnumbers children. The implications are important when it comes to the need for Halal Mortgage Canada products for this group.

One of the big advantages to having seniors in the community is the fact that they have more disposable income. As far back as 2012, research shows the total assets of seniors was $748,900, and that compares favorably with $645,900 for all other families.

Suitable Sharia Compliant Housing

Ijara Community Development Corporation (IjaraCDC), is always available to help seniors when they are looking for suitable sharia compliant housing. We always simplify the Islamic finance process. Our number one priority is providing finance choices to Muslims who adhere to religious prohibitions about interest paid on more traditional loans.

We run a successful operation that operates in all 50 American states and provinces in Canada. Our financing structures are sharia compliant and filled with similarities to more traditional loans.

Getting in touch with us if you’re senior is easy. Call toll free: 1-87-786-IJARA. We are always happy to answer any and all of your questions. We can help you if you’re looking to buy a new place or change an existing mortgage with our Halal Mortgage Canada services.