Handy packing tips and islamic mortgage financing

Moving is one of the hardest parts of getting from point A to point B and settling down in your new home. Islamic mortgage financing takes a lot of the stress and worry away but one of the more tedious parts of the whole operation is actually packing everything up.

Packing heavier items on the bottom of any boxes you use is a perfect first step to making sure everything goes smoothly. Using socks and pillowcases as stuffers are a great way to make sure what you pack doesn’t get jostled around on the way to the new house. Just be sure you keep those socks together so they don’t get separated and lost forever in transit.

All items should be placed in smaller boxes and then put into larger containers for safekeeping. Always remember to label the outside of the bigger boxes with everything that’s inside so nothing gets lost.

It’s important to keep an inventory list of everything and be thorough just like you did when you first got Islamic home loans. Your inventory list can come in handy if a box goes missing and you need to find out exactly what you don’t have.

Ijara Community Development Corp

