preferred professional - Amanuel Chirom

Hello, I'm Amanuel Chirom!
Realtor | Maxwell Progressive
10630 124 Av Edmonton, Alberta Canada T5N 1S3
Areas of service: Edmonton, Alberta
Languages spoken: n/a
Working with me as a local realtor helps my client to have the following benefits:
- Local market knowledge, I work in Edmonton and surrounding , I have experience and understanding of the local market that will benefit sellers and buyers.
- Strong negotiation skill and understanding the psychology of sellers and buyers
- Understanding the cultural background of my clients and creating specific help to the condition and background of clients
- Being a local realtor I have extensive networking with professionals and community
- As a buyer, identifying areas that suit the clients by identifying their needs more than all working with me makes buying or selling less stressful.
- Drafting terms and conditions by understanding the condition of the seller or buyer for legal protection.
Available Programs:

Take cash out from the equity in the home. Can refinance up to 80% of appraised value.

Business for Self-Fully Qualifying Program
Applicable for self-employed individuals with traditional income verification. Up to 10% minimum down payment based on beacon score.

Flexible Down Payment
For homebuyers with excellent credit history. Must be able to debt service the loan with down payment.

Projected Income for Physicians
Qualifications for approval will be based on future projected income. Must have completed residency or fellowship within the last 24 hours.
Preferred realtors of IjaraCDC get support beyond our Sharia-compliant structurng service. From comprehensive marketing materials geared towards educating customers on Islamic financing to getting access to pre-approved homebuyers, we're here to support you in closing the sale.
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