Here’s why ijara financing is a great way to build up some home equity.

There’s nothing better than putting together a little nest egg for you and your family and that’s the end goal to strive for with ijara financing. These ijara loan products are a great way to build up some home equity in a Sharia compliant way. These are the financial products that will steer you away from riba and, at the same time, put you on the path to being a player in the North American real estate market.

Here’s a few of the things that you can do with ijara financing.  • Buy a family home and have a great place to raise a family. It’s possible to have a place for your older relatives and your children to live under one roof, or you can even rent the place out to let someone else makes the payments on the ijara loan.

• Start a business.

There’s the chance to take the whole venture in a different direction and use that ijara loan in a commercial manner. Ijara financing is about the flexibility to make your North American real estate dreams come true. We can help.

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Ijara Community Development Corp

