Some smart ideas for saving money.
We bet we got your attention with that headline. Ask anyone who has ijara loans and they’ll tell you that the first five years are the hardest when it comes to getting up on your feet as a new homeowner. Even the folks up north who have taken out Ijara Canada loans are looking for way to stretch a buck and we have a few suggestions that you should take notice of:
• Keep in mind that insulation isn’t just for the attic or behind the walls. When you consider the fact that any exposed water pipes that move from the hot water heater out can lose heat and cost you money, you’ll see why we suggest insulating these pipes as well.
• Take a few minutes to make sure the vents in all of your rooms are free from obstructions. Even something as simple as a build up of duct and dirt can black these and wind up costing you money. Don’t ever lose sight of the fact that we can help you get into the real estate market and keep you Sharia compliant either.