Online certificates and other ijara loans news
There’s always something new and exciting happening the in the world of ijara loans and islamic loans usa and one of the newest innovations deals with certification on the Internet. We’re sure plenty of people saw this coming, but there’s a company that’s offering the world’s first 100% Islamic accounting certificate.
Ethica is the firm that started taking registrations for Advanced Certified Islamic Finance Executive in Islamic Accounting and they are already a large player when it comes to Islamic finance as they serve 20,000 professionals across 47 countries.
Conference in Toronto
We also had the good fortune last month to attend the Reviving the Islamic Spirit Conference in Toronto that ran from Dec 21 to Dec 23. There were various speakers and some of the notable leaders included Imam Zaid Shakir and Dr. Tawfique Chowdhury. Here at, we were even asked to give a five minute speech on our company and how the Islamic mortgages that we work with are Sharia compliant. We touched on the fact that Ijara is one of three Islamic methods used to either refinance or buy a new home. We also stressed that part of our focus was to present interested people with proper alternatives when the interest paid on loans through traditional methods was a concern.
There’s always interesting news about islamic loans usa and the most recent edition of the speaks specifically to the fact that Islamic loans and Islamic mortgages are set for big growth in the New Year.
All Time High
The article that appeared there talks about how Ernst and Young is predicting that 2013 will be the year that global business that’s Sharia compliant will reach an all time high starting in January up to $1.8 trillion dollars US. It also noted that Egypt and Oman has cleared the way for Islamic finance with new regulations designed to encourage Islamic banking.
That’s all good news for people looking to get Sharia compliant loans on other continents, but it’s a good idea to remember we’re here at with the products you need in either Canada or the United States.