Curb appeal is important to complement islamic home loans
Islamic mortgage loans employ several different methods to keep you Sharia compliant while you’re pursuing the dream of home ownership. Once you get into that home
you need to do some work to keep the equity and maintenance up to date. Here are a few ideas on how to improve curb appeal or what some real estate experts call a first impression.
A neatly kept lawn as well manicured shrubs and hedges that are trimmed presents a better face to your neighborhood if you’re staying or an enticement to potential buyers if you’re planning on selling. If you take a look at what Islamic mortgage loans have bought people in our Ijara loans picture gallery on our website you’ll see that well looked after homes are the order of the day among Muslims who want to be Sharia compliant and enter the real estate world at the same time.
Experts say that looking after the outside of your home adds approximately 5 to 10% to the value and that’s important whether you’re staying or leaving. Take some time to look after the backyard and do some careful planning like the kind you did when you first decided on islamic home loans .