Islamic home loans and top renovations
February 25, 2014 / / Comments Off on Islamic home loans and top renovations
Islamic mortgage loans will help you to get your foot in the front door of home ownership. Once you own the property for some time, you’ll want to look at the renovations that make the most sense, either to increase your personal pleasure with the property or to boost the return on investment so your equity grows and you can ask more when it comes time to sell.
- Add living space. If you have the money and time, adding living space is a great renovation that has an outstanding return on investment of 84 percent. An attic or expanded living rooms are both great renovations that will catch the eye of any prospective buyers.
- A new garage door. When you consider the first impression can make all the difference, a new garage door is an excellent choice for a renovation. Manufacturers have a variety to choose from including energy efficient insulated units with windows that can be bought with Ijara loans.
Kitchens and bathrooms are two of the places that real estate agents stress. A major renovation in either of these rooms is ideal, but if you don’t have the money on hand, changing out countertops and cabinetry hardware can do wonders as well.
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