Check out these home security measures that work well with islamic mortgage loans

While it’s nice to have the extras in a new home like crown moulding, feeling safe and secure about the purchase is about more than just steering clear of riba withislamic home loans. 

In today’s world, physical home security is as important as recessed ceilings and here’s a few pointers to get you on the right track to a cost efficient purchase that will keep your family safe and sound.

  • Consider video. If you install the right product you can speak to people trying to enter your house without ever having to open the front door. There are wireless and wired technologies on the market today and the wireless versions are gaining in popularity since they have cameras that can be moved from one location to another with a minimum of fuss.
  • Make sure your doors are solid. Wood and or steel construction are the best bets and staying away from decorative glass panels at the sides lessens the chances of your home being broken into.

Islamic home loans keep you safe from riba but there are other threats you need to protect your family from and that’s where home security comes into play.

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Ijara Community Development Corp

