Ijara financing and a few things to look for in an effective real estate agent.
Once you’ve been involved with ijara financing for a number of years and owned some real estate , you’ll more than likely get interested in seeing how far you can go and what other possibilities there are.
In short, whether you have a single family residential home or a business, the time will come to sell. That’s where you’ll need a good real estate agent and following are a few qualities that you need to be looking for. They need to be a full time professional. Real estate agents need to know as much about the service they provide as the folks who sell you an ijara loan. They should take care of all the details and skillfully close the deal for you. That’s why you need to work with someone that does it for a living. They need to quote a price the house can sell for.
Agents who try to get you to list for the highest possible number right away don’t have your best interests in mind.