ijara loans and some different types of renovations.

Ijara loans are a a simple way for you to get involved in the real estate market and stay sharia compliant and the how it works part of our website explains in simple detail what you can expect when you purchase one of our Islamic loans USA products. Once you’ve been in your house for a while you’ll start to see that taking on different kinds of renovations will actually increase the equity that you have and the selling price that you can get when you finally decide to move on.

The General Stuff.

Like the name suggests, these are the basic things that most buyers will look forward to when they come to purchase a home and they include a roof that doesn’t leak, downspouts that work properly and even a  dry basement as opposed to one that has cracks and mold and mildew stains throughout.

Curb Appeal Ideas

Although these items might not make any difference in the amount of money that you can ask for your home, keeping the lawn nice and green and trimming the hedges will certainly help the place to sell faster by making it look more attractive from the road. When you know someone who is on the way to view the property, baking a nice pie and leaving it front and center on the kitchen table is a nice way  to enhance this curb appeal as well.

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Ijara Community Development Corp

