Keeping water damage at bay

Water is a home owner’s worst nightmare. A flood that happens once in a basement is likely to happen again and continued water damage is likely to bring mold with it to increase your family’s health risk.  Because you went to all the trouble to get islamic home loans to look after your spiritual side, you owe it to you loved ones to look after their physical health as well. That said, here’s a few tips that work alongside islamic mortgage loans to prevent water damage.

  1. Moving furniture after a water related accident is a must. Remember that rot and mold can take hold in many different materials and a sofa that’s wet needs to be moved away from the offending area right away. If you need to leave it on a wet carpet, make sure you put plastic or tinfoil under the legs to prevent any further damage.
  2. Lifting drapes is another must when there’s been a water problem. Hanging them up with clothes hangers by the curtain rods is the preferred way to keep them dry.

Finally, make sure you get professional advice about the extent of the problem. Entrusting experts like you did when you got islamic home loans is the best route to take. Take a look at the overview of the home buying process on our website to get you started.

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Ijara Community Development Corp

