Looking at An Islamic Bank Loan for a Business? Here’s a Few Online Marketing Ideas You Won’t Want to Miss

Many Muslims are also entrepreneurs. Whether you’re looking at an Islamic bank loan for a brick-and-mortar or e-commerce venture, you need to be aware the Internet is worldwide and also local. Regardless of whether you set up a business in the United States or Canada, a local marketing campaign should include these online tools and ideas.

They help you attract local clients.

List on Google My Business

If you decide to set up a trust so your Islamic loan in Canada is sharia compliant, you won’t need to worry about riba as you conduct business. However, that’s only one part of having a successful online operation.

If you take a look on the Internet, you’ll notice that Google has a map that lists locations when people search for a business. You need to register . Google My Business listings are free and going through the process where you claim one boosts your online visibility. Follow this link to get started.

Make Sure Your Website Is Mobile

The statistics here make a strong case. Numbers show that over 50% of global Internet traffic happens on a smart phone or other mobile device. As far as local businesses go, more research shows that 61% of those people are more likely to buy something locally from a mobile friendly website.

Here’s some insider tips to started. Mobile search wants to answer questions from prospects efficiently and quickly. That means having a mobile website that is simple and effective. Staying away from flash technology that can slow your site down is a good move. The same goes for pop-up ads.

 Get Listed in Local Directories

Take a look at the local directories in your area. Then get listed. You shopped before you decided on a company to look after your Islamic bank loan. It’s important to do the same when you’re looking for local directories. Use the Internet to look for locations close to your business.

Use Social Media

Social media is one of the best ways to connect with both local and global shoppers. There are a few tricks to using any of these platforms properly. Do a little research first to find out where your target market likes to search for goods and services. There’s no point in setting up a Facebook Page if the people who buy your goods and services use Twitter more.

That said, most of the major social media players have localizing options you can use to get your message out to the people that matter. Finally, it’s always a good idea to be active in your community. Of course, as a Muslim that means selecting an Islamic bank loan to start your business. It also means supporting your local community once you have that business underway. Something like sponsoring the local hockey or baseball team goes a long way to complement an Islamic bank loan.

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