7 Tips to Live in the Neighborhood of Your Dreams

Everyone wants to live in a good neighborhood, right? So when you’re out house shopping, don’t forget to pay close attention to the neighborhoods that interest you. As we say, you can fix and update your house, but it can’t change neighborhoods easily.

Here are a few things for you to look at to find a good neighborhood.

First Impressions Last

You can start by getting some first impressions upon the initial open house or home inspection. For example, ask yourself what you first noticed about the neighborhood that you’re interested in. Is there curb appeal? Are there restaurants and shops that seem inviting and look interesting?

Remember that you want to find a place you want to call home. At the same time, you’ll need to find a location to impress buyers when the time comes to sell the property.

Numbers Don’t Lie

During house hunting, consider a neighborhood’s crime rate. If you find a place that has a low crime rate, you’re sure that can raise your family in a safe environment. Not only that, the property values will stay high for years to come.

Get the numbers directly from the best source: the local police. CityProtect is a good site to use for this task. If possible, try driving by at different times of the day or night to check on the noise.

Smell the School Spirit

School quality is also a factor that you want to look at in a good neighborhood. Even if you don’t have your own children yet, consider buying a home with some excellent schools nearby as a smart investment. Close proximity to top-class institutions increases the property’s resale value.

Visiting the local school district’s website and checking report cards will tell you a good estimate of what to expect. You can also check out this site for a list of great schools per area.

Stay a While and Listen

Take some time to listen to the sounds in the area. Is there nearby noise from bars, clubs, train tracks, or highways? An airport close to the neighborhood can cause some peace of mind issues and sleepless nights. And for those working at home, you know the struggle that loud outside noises bring.

Neighborhood Pride

Pride of ownership tells you how happy the residents are with their neighborhood. You’ll get a good sense of how people feel about their community simply by talking to them. Spending some time with your future neighbors gives you insight into what to expect once you live there.

Friendly Neighborhood HOA

If your target property is in a subdivision, you need to know the local Homeowners Association. The HOA typically maintains the rules and regulations for that subdivision.

You’ll be working with them for some time, so it’s best to be friends with the HOA staff as soon as possible. If you can access their guidelines before buying the house, even better. That way, you have time to determine if it fits your standard for a good neighborhood.

Red Flags Ain’t Six Flags

Finally, it’s a good idea to look for any red flags in the neighborhood. Check for things like vandalism and abandoned buildings. Look for rentals and a lot of houses up for sale. The number of “For Sale” tags will indicate if people want to stay in that neighborhood or not.

Even if you use Islamic financing to buy the property, you’ll want to protect your investment, especially if you intend to sell later on.

Becoming One with the Neighborhood

Buying a home has both things you can and cannot control. And while you can’t control the neighborhood’s condition, you can choose to stay in that neighborhood or not. We hope these tips can help you find the best place for you and your family.

Living in an interest-free home is possible with IjaraCDC. Our Sharia-compliant home acquisition options stand as a great alternative to a traditional mortgage. Talk to our experts today to find out more.

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