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Are you Qualified?

Typically Sellers and Realtors want to know that they are working with a qualified buyer, someone that has had their credit, income and assets reviewed by a lender. They also want to know that the buyer is negotiating for a price they can afford, the last thing a Seller wants to do, is take their home off the market and then find out the Buyer cannot afford the home.

One of our licensed Lenders or Brokers can assist you with a Pre-Approval or Pre-Qualification, and the best part is that there is No Fee to do this.

It’s simple, an application and a few documents will be needed from you. Upon receipt of this, you should be able to secure a Pre-Approval from one of our licensed Providers if you are qualified. As a non-profit corporation, we will help give you guidance on what steps to take to get qualified if for some reason you are not qualified now, this is one of the benefits of working with us, as a non-profit we are dedicated to giving our customers guidance for residential or commercial financing, while our competitors are only looking for qualified customers today.
For additional information see Getting Ready to Apply. We suggest that you use our Free consulting services to help you evaluate your home buying power and if you are not qualified now, let us point you in the right direction to get qualified for you dream home sometime in the near future. Our licensed investors have many programs available and like many of our customers, you may be surprised at how much home you can afford, even if you have been turned down by our competitors, our programs are much broader in scope and accommodate higher Debt to Income ratios and credit scores as low as 580.