Top tricks for selling your home

Ijara loans helped to get you in the door and when it comes time to move on and buy a new home, it’s important to use the same common sense that brought you Islamic home loans to make your house appealing on the market. Experts say looking forward, not backwards is the first step, and you’ll need to disassociate yourself from your present house and start thinking of it as a home for someone else to live in.


Depersonalizing the place is another step in the right direction. People who want to buy your house don’t want to be distracted by pictures of your family on the walls and the knickknacks you’ve collected over the years. Packing those items away now saves time in the long run and helps you to accomplish the first goal of depersonalizing.


Keep in mind, anyone who comes to see your house and notices the gutters are falling down or paint chipping off the garage door will wonder what’s going on inside. It’s important to make sure you keep the maintenance up so you can get the most for your home.

Ijara loans are perfect for residential or commercial properties and this product is always there for your next purchase as well.

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Ijara Community Development Corp

