Use this handy Islamic home financing checklist to find the right house.

Getting a good islamic home financing product is all about doing some research so you know what to look for and how to narrow down all the different choices. You’ll feel much better about the islamic mortgage financing mortgage you pick when you show some due diligence at the beginning of the process and that works the same for finding the right house size. Why not print off this handy checklist and place it somewhere close for reference so you can use it to find the perfect property?


This is one of the bigger considerations and one that you need to get out of the way before you can move on to look at other features. You’ll need to decide on the number of bedrooms that you’ll require now with an eye to the future. For example, younger people might want to add a nursery to their plans but older folks often want to go smaller with less rooms.

Special Features

Are you looking for lots of entertainment features like a pool? Do you need extra room for a home office? Is anyone who will be living with you disabled and have special needs? By looking at the homes a realtor takes you to with these features and a few others in mind, you’ll be able to mesh islamic mortgage financing with the right property.

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Ijara Community Development Corp

