How Lease to Own Is An Important Part of The Process

Islamic home loans rest on the notion that interest free financing is the fundamental benchmark that Muslims are looking for when they want to enter the North American real estate market. The Lease To Own Aspect is all about having an independent trust that gets set up and holds the title to the property. Of course this is an important part of the process but before any of these other things can be accomplished, the lessee needs to select the right property.

There are several things that need to be considered here and they include:

  • Amenities. Of course you’ll want to find a place that has a Mosque nearby, but there’s more to a successful purchase than just the religious aspect. Transportation like buses, subways and streetcars needs to be factored in. If you plan on commuting to work, it’s a good idea to time the trip and factor in the cost of fuel and time away from your family before you make any final decisions.
  • Age. While older neighborhoods have more to offer in the way of mature trees and atmosphere, the houses that go along with them often need more work than newer homes.

Finally, it goes without saying that you’ll need to understand how Lease To Own works in tandem with Sharia compliance.

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Ijara Community Development Corp

