Islamic home loans and the self employed. What you did to get through the process

You’ve shown a lot of enthusiasm for getting ahead in the North American real estate game by adopting islamic home loans to get you started and if you’re self employed, you’re familiar with some of the unique prerequisites that lenders made you adopt to get one of those islamic mortgage loans.

You needed to have some documentation that other people with employers might have bypassed. For example, those other folks didn’t need to have at least two years of receipts to prove they were in business, and they didn’t get assessed by their net income as opposed to the higher gross number either.

Of course there are other prerequisites that are common to both types of applicants. Both need to prove they’ve been employed for a number of years to be considered for islamic home loans and they need to prove their citizenship to any of the lenders they apply to.

It’s all about getting the islamic home loans that help you to get into that first family home or the business of your dreams in the end.

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Ijara Community Development Corp

