When to Tell Your Landlord of Your Home Purchase

Last time, we discussed why you should break your lease when buying a home. Now that you’ve checked your options and decided which works for you, it’s time to break the news to your landlord.
But when are you going to do it? Don’t worry, as IjaraCDC is here to give you proper guidance residential advice. Read on for our tips on when to deliver the message.

Tip #1: Get All Paperwork Done and Dusted

Before telling your landlord of your planned move, ensure everything is settled, and you already have the keys to your new home.
Why, you ask?
Imagine this: let’s say you’re in the middle of closing, and out of excitement, you advise your landlord of your potential moving date. The landlord agrees and opens the property for potential tenants. However, a few days before the scheduled date, the closing agreement fell through due to the required repairs taking longer than expected. What now?
You’ll be lucky if the landlord is nice enough to let you stay or if they haven’t found a tenant yet. But what if a tenant expects to move in on your move-out date? Can you afford the extra days staying in a hotel or Airbnb? And where are you placing your stuff while waiting?
These are essential things to consider and are real scenarios that happen to first-time halal homeowners. So, to be safe, wait for everything to settle and get everything cleared before letting your landlord know of your move.
Here’s an excellent checklist to follow.
Schedule that ‘talk’ with your landlord if you have:
- Secured underwriting
- Home inspection done, and seller has repairs completed
- Set a move date
Tip #2: Include Moving Time (and Delays)

Speaking of the move date, let’s take the time to talk about this. Moving houses won’t happen overnight, especially if you relocate to a different state. Scheduling the move too early and the home might not be ready; too late and you might need to spend on storage for your stuff.
When finalizing a move date, think about the time it would take to move houses. Include factors like how long the movers can transport your things and if you must prepare the property before the official move.
In line with this, we recommend the concept of “better overlap than have a gap.” Allow extra time between the move to reduce stress while giving room to prepare for the new place. Cleaning and setting the home up is always easier when furniture isn’t there yet.
Tip #3: Consider Your Relationship with Your Landlord

This one can be tricky, but how you get along with your landlord will factor in when you tell them your plans to move out.
If a company or housing organization owns the property you’re renting, it’s best to wait until the last minute before informing them of your move. They can typically have a new tenant by your end date, so the possibility of staying longer if issues arise will be slim to none. This can also apply if you’re not on great terms with your landlord.
On the other hand, if you have a great relationship with your landlord, it would be better to talk to them as early as possible. If needed, you can request a few days after the contract date, especially if an individual owns the home rather than a company.
Timing is Everything
Doing everything at the right time is critical for getting the best results. Yes, even in moving out of your rented property. Discussing the matter with your landlord at the right time will lessen potential pitfalls during the transition from your rented property to your riba-free home.